The Baked Bean Theatre Company
This is where it all started. The Baked Bean Theatre Company was the original group back in 1997, and it's still going strong!
BBTCo work with a creative director to turn ideas, commitment and passion into ground breaking pieces of theatre. We drive forward the boundaries in theatre, film and drama whilst helping to instil pride, confidence and a sense of purpose. Get involved...
Days: Wednesday and Friday
Location: Wilditch Centre

The Baked Bean Players
We are a diverse group of actors who love coming together to share a passion for drama. Not only do we have tonnes of fun, meet new friends and boost confidence, we also get professional theatre training thrown in!
If you enjoy drama, having a laugh, being creative and performing on stage then The Baked Bean Players is the place to be! Get involved...
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Location: Wilditch Centre

Electric Beans
The Electric Beans explore a variety of skills including physical theatre, performance art, singing and drama. We range from young to old and welcome all abilities. Electric Beans set out to explore real life stories through drama, physical theatre and movement workshops.
If you love acting, physical theatre, performing and don't mind a bit of hard work, then the Electric Beans are right for you. Get involved...
Days: Monday and Wednesday
Location: Wilditch Centre

Chilli Beans
The Chilli Beans are a musical theatre group who love to sing, dance and be on stage. We write, create and perform our own shows. We aim to produce professional standard theatre while giving our audiences a brilliant night out.
If you love musical theatre, singing, dancing, comedy and sparkle then the Chilli Beans are the right group for you. Get involved...
Days: Monday and Friday
Location: Wilditch Centre

Screen Beans
Screen Beans will help you to perfect your acting, dancing and singing skills and then bring them all together on screen.
If you've ever wanted to star in a short film or music video, then Screen Beans is where you need to be!
Get involved...
Days: Monday and Friday
Location: Wilditch Centre