Baked Bean DJs
Our passion is music and that's what we think about in every session. We focus on learning the skills of how to be a great DJ; spinning the decks, reading the crowd so you can fill the dance floor, playing great tunes and blending songs seamlessly together.
Through our hard work in the sessions and using our professional equipment, we are also able to perform at events all across London! Get involved...
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Location: George Shearing

The Baked Bean Choir
A singing group dedicated to developing vocal range, tone, pitch and overall singing ability.
Surround yourself with music and songs from Elvis, Motown, High School Musical, Glee, Mcfly, One Direction and everything in between!
The Choir will help you to build confidence, exercise your vocals and show off your skills in regular performances in the community. Get involved...
Days: Friday
Location: Wilditch Centre